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Baby Girl Bandana Dress with Texas A&M Logo
Baby Girl Bandana Dress with Texas A&M Logo
Baby Girl Bandana Dress with Texas A&M Logo

$24.99  $14.99
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Absolutely adorable dress for your baby Aggie - maroon and white bandana design with ATM embroidered on the top. Has snap crotch for easy change of diapers. 

The skirt has a bandana maroon and white design and maroon edges around the sleeve.  Made of a super soft cotton...just perfect for cuddling your Texas Aggie baby girl!

Available in 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months.

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12 Months
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Note: Orders delivered to Texas are charged sales tax at checkout.
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Adorable dress for your baby Aggie - maroon and white bandana design with ATM embroidered on the top.  Click on "More Info" to select your size - 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 months.

Can't decide what to give your favorite Texan?  Buy a gift certificate; we can mail it to you or to the recipient.  Let them have the fun of shopping at "The Texas Trading Post!"  This is probably one of our "biggest sellers."

Baby Girl Bandana Dress with Texas A&M Logo



Licensed to do business with the Great State of Texas

Members of the Bryan/College Station
Chamber of Commerce

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In memory of Russ.  My high school sweetheart, my best friend, my
business partner and my husband - 1947 - 2013.  ~ Linda


A division of Born 'n Raised Texans, LLC

Texas Gifts, Texas Home Decor and Garden Decor, Texas Flags,  Texas Apparel
. . .and oh so much more!

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 College Station, Texas  

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 Voted "Best of the Brazos Valley" for Online Shopping every year since 2011 but we're not bragging...{{{grin}}}


The content of this web site has copyrighted materials by the Texas Trading Post-Fun Texas Stuff. They may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, published, downloaded, displayed or transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of the Texas Trading Post-Fun Texas Stuff.  We really dislike seeing our photos snagged and put on other Texas websites and Facebook without giving us credit.  Thank you for complying with our wishes.

Funding for our website provided by the Good Lord - we thank Him every day for the success He has brought us.

Thanks so much for shopping with us!  God Bless Texas!

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